News - Events
Date: 26/11/2008

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Date: 26/11/2008

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Date: 24/10/2008

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Date: 27/05/2008
Green Energy Investment Production JSC has carried out the construction of saturated steam supply factory for VISSAN and should be able to provide steam by early December 2011. By going into operation it will help VISSAN to save around 400 million monthly on fuel cost.

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Date: 26/05/2008
Biomass fuels. Biomass contains chemical energy, solar energy accumulated in plants through photosynthesis process. Biomass is the products from agriculture residues (straw, bagasse, bark, corn fiber, etc.), forestry residues (leaves, wood chips, etc.), shredded paper, methane from the landfills, sewage treatment plants, distribution of farm livestock and poultry.

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