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SSG Group 2012 Year- End Party

On February 1st 2013, SSG Group held year-end party 2012 at Saigon Pearl Riverside Park. More than 500 people of “SSG big family” from three regions of country (including managers, staffs &workers, family of BOM of SSG Group & 23 member companies) have returned back and joined in SSG year-end party. In addition, member companies have also responded wine contribution program to get luck in New Year.

Combined Vietnam drums performances and the song “Listen to the spring of coming” vibrant, youthful, formally opening for SSG year-end party.


The chairwoman of SSG Group, Ms. Nguyen Hong Phương has welcomed all of people present in the party. Ms. Nguyen Hong Phuong has summarized all activities within 2012 with more challenges as well as the results which SSG Group has overcome and achieved. Besides, chairwoman also announced plans for the next time:

“…With the strategic vision of BOM is determined not to spread investment, focusing on the projects have high competitive advantages and expand to other industries have the financial & experience advantage like as: education, renewable energy and mining. In 2012, SSG Group’s projects were still deployed in progress and achieved remarkable business results as follows:

- Saigon Airport Plaza apartment was handed over to customers after 2 years building.

- Thaodien Pearl has completed the topping out ceremony on December 2012 and in finished stage to hand over apartment on the end of this year.

- Saigon Pearl is preparing to ground breaking Phase 3 – High class Villas & commercial townhouse after Tet holiday.

- Basement package of SSG Tower project is being prompt in completion.

- The Wellsping Hanoi International school has step into the 2nd school year and becoming a believable address for students’ parents in Hanoi.

- The projects of green energy company have so far spread across 03 regions North – Central – South of country …”

The chairwoman has emphasized the obligation to pay taxes to the State that SSG Group has contributed to the country:

“…Since its inception ( October 24th 2003) so far, SSG Group & member companies have paid enterprise tax to the State almost 500 billion VNĐ, if including VAT tax is this amount above thousands billion dong. This is pride of SSG Group…”

Business market & the real estate market are predicted more risks in this year & next years, chairwoman have given the direction for the snake year 2013:

“…SSG Group must strengthen human resource management system, strict cost control, capital redistribution and incessantly increasing brand value in mind of customers & partners. Real estate & education products are products will be shape in future so it takes a lot of time to have the perfect product. For this reason, customer’s belief is a part important that will decide succeeds of project & company. We must determine that SSG brand building is continuous & long-term process, carried out through the project has been, is, and will be deployed in the future. The strong brand is an advantage in production, business and is very important and necessary intangible asset for the development of SSG group …”


A unique point in this ceremony is lucky money program with new way from general director’s idea. Mr. Dinh Ngoc Ninh started ritual “burn candle to invite lucky genies” and invited BOM of SSG Group, key officials together to light candles. To “G hour” (9 pm), General Director “turned on green light”, everyone eager ranked order to select your own a red packet inside including money & a lucky card (the SSG Group wishes and 1 in 5 lucky wishes will come with owners: Happiness, Health, Wisdom, Money, and Fame). Hopefully this ceremony will bring lucky to SSG Group & all people in New Year 2013.


The central point of year-end party is the SSG next talent competition with 19 performances including many styles (sing, dance, dance sport…), many themes (spring, river, modern…), and many colors (romantic, ebullient…) which chose from register list of member companies. The competition has happened successful with cheers of all people specially “hot awards” make atmosphere excited more. Modern dance “Gangnam Style” performs by SSG Real collective that made everybody shouts of encouragement for the SSG Real dancer.


However, due to limited time; the competition must pause at 10 pm to return quietness for Saigon Pearl resident although the performances list still.

The jury consists of 5 internal people worked and fair assessment with specialization point scale (8, 9, and 10) to rank and emotion point scale to encourage candidates. According to regulations and practical results, the jury and the organization board has decided 3 highest prizes (first, second, & third) for each group (collective group & private group) and 2 emotional prizes: the audience favorite & the most impressive.

SSG 2012 year-end party took place in joyful, sociable space, creative, world- class, corresponding to the position of SSG Group, with the size of the project was, is, or will be deployed. The ceremony has left good memories in the heart of each member of “SSG big family” and making all people closer.

>> Images of SSG Group 2012 Year-end party