Member Companies
South Light Construction Consultancy Join Stock Company

Abbreviated Name : SLCC Corp
Address   27 Dinh Bo Linh Str, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist, HCMC
Telephone : (848) 3898 1512
Fax : (848) 3898 1511
Website : www.ssggroup.com.vn
Business Registration Certificate : No. 0305563409 date of issue 22nd February 2008

Business line

    • Construction consulting (except construction survey). Tender consulting. Supervision on civil & industrial construction.
    • Design of industrial & civil sites, urban infrastructure, urban planning, architectural design and design verification.
    • Feasibility study of civil & industrials projects, irrigation projects, infrastructure and environment projects. Project management, quality control work. Investment consulting ( except finance/account consulting)

A member of SSG Group, SLCC Corp is established with key personnel who have experience in industries:

    • Planning.
    • Design of infrastructure system.
    • Design of industrial & civil sites.
    • Supervision in infrastructure, civil & industrial sites.
    • Project management.

With prestigious experience in consulting activities as well as understanding legislation, standards, regulations in force combined with the dynamics team, SLCC proud of positive results when work with domestic & foreign customers.