Member Companies
SSG Tan Binh Real Estate Limited Company

Abbreviated name :   SSG Tan Binh Real LTD
Address : 227 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ward 6, Tan Binh Dist. HCMC
Telephone (848) 3.845 1720
Website : ssggroup.com.vn
Business Registration Certification : No. 0311217238 date of issue 6th October 2011
Tax code : 0311217238

Business line

    • Real Estate developing and trading.
    • Construction of public buildings.
    • Demolition.
    • Assembling M&E system.
    • Site clearance.
    • Fitting out.
    • Other construction activities.
    • Industrial & civil hygiene services
    • Construction of rail & road.
    • Construction of other civil engineering.
    • Installation of water supply and drainage, heating and air conditioning.
    • Assembling other construction systems.
    • Metal & metal ore trading.
    • Material building, construction equipment trading.
    • Short-stay services.
    • Landscape maintenance services.